We Proudly Offer Stretch Mark Removal to Greensboro, NC and the Surrounding Area
Remove Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Deep Lines with FDA approved Intensif Micro-needling and Radio Frequency

*Nu-Erase Results May Vary
NuBody's Nu-Erase treatment uses a combination of micro-needling and 3Deep radio frequency for life changing results. This combination is minimally invasive, but stimulates dramatic deep collagen production that offers continued improvement long after your treatment ends. This treatment is also recommended for all skin types and colors. As such, it is ideal for treatment of:
- Stretch Marks
- Acne Scars
- Other Scarring
- Enlarged Pores
- Deep Lines (that previously could only be treated with fillers)
How does it work?
Nu-Erase uses the EndyMed intensif hand wand that is designed to provide dramatic dermal rejuvenation. It works from the inside out and employs precise radio frequency micro-needles that tackle even your deepest lines. The procedure involves delivering an evenly distributed radio frequency via micro-needles deep into your skin’s dermis. This stimulates a response in your own skin, as newer, brighter healthier skin is encouraged to develop in the treated area.
Nu-Erase can be used to target deep lines, wrinkles and scars on both your face and body. The treatment greatly improves the treated areas, and more defined and revitalized skin is the result. This is an FDA approved and clinically-proven treatment. The results are both natural and long-lasting; specifically, you will have smoother and tighter skin. Combine Nu-Erase and Rejuvapen for even more dramatic results.
Take a look at our outstanding results! Click the button below to see more incredible before and afters.

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