Non-Invasive Lipo in Greensboro, NC!

Do you hope for an easier way to get your dream body? Are you one of the millions of Americans never able to lose inches with diet and exercise? Then we have the perfect solution for you!
NuBody Solutions is excited to offer upgraded Nu Lipo-Ex Advanced for the Greensboro Serving the Triad, NC area and beyond! This exclusive treatment offers the FASTEST results available today, and we are now enhancing this already amazing treatment by adding free sessions of both NuCell-u-Smooth and whole-body vibration with every Nu Lipo-Ex Advanced session.
These value added sessions stimulate the lymphatic system to help dispose of fat and toxins released by the Nu Lipo-Ex Advanced treatment; reduce water retention; enhance skin firmness and elasticity; and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Who can receive this treatment? ALL sizes! Ideal weight, Overweight or Obese
Cost: As low as $250 for a whole area treatment
Technology Used: Bi-polar and mono-polar Radio Frequency and heat
Effects: Shrinks fat cells with heat and produces collagen
Depth of treatment: Subcutaneous and Visceral fat up to 100 mm below skin's surface
Areas treated: Whole areas
Toning: Tightens skin and produces collagen
Treatment Time: 1 hour
What to expect: Feels like an ultrasound but it's warm
Recovery: No risks, side effects or downtime
As with any weight loss or body contouring program, always consult your physician prior to the start of the program.**
What is Nu Lipo-Ex Advanced?
Nu Lipo-Ex Advanced is the perfect solution to safely, painlessly and quickly reduce fat, remove cellulite and tighten skin.
A safe, pain-free treatment that is a non-surgical and non-invasive alternative, Nu Lipo-Ex Advanced works for all parts of the body including:
- Face and neck
- Arms, hands, legs and feet
- Stomach, back and waist
- Buttocks, thighs and hips
- Anywhere else where you want to remove stubborn, unwanted fat, ugly cellulite & sagging skin
Take a look at our outstanding results! Click the button below to see more incredible before and afters.

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